
밥으로 만든 전라도식 열무김치(Young Radish Kim Chi)

밥으로 만든 전라도식 열무김치
(Jeol Ra Do Style)

Young Radish Kim Chi with Cooked Rice)

열무 3
소금 ½
고추 5
마늘 3
양파 1/2
대파 2
생강 작은 1





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Jeol Ra Do Style  Young Radish Kim Chi

with Cooked Rice (밥으로 만든 전라도식 열무김치)




(A)   3 bunches    young radish

        ½ C    Salt

       5    green pepper

       3    pieces garlic 

       1/2  onion

       2    large green onion

       ½ T.S.  ginger


(B)   1  C  cooked rice



Cut young radishes 3 ½  inch in length.

Wash well and drain it.


Sprinkle salt and mix well and let it sit about 1 hour.

Drain it. (Do not rinse out and save the juice.)


Put green pepper, garlic, onion, green onion, ginger,

the saved juice from above into mixer and grind it well.

Add cooked rice and grind a few more seconds.


Mix this sauce with the drained young radishes and

put into a jar.

Keep in the refrigerator.


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