초고추장 (Red Pepper Paste Sauce with Vinegar)
[Cho Go Choo Jang]
초고추장 (Red Pepper Paste Sauce with Vinegar)
[Cho Go Choo Jang]
- 별나라 / Beolnara -
고추장 1컵
식초 2큰술
7-up 2큰술 (설탕 또는 사이다)
꿀 2 작은술
고추장, 식초, , 7-up을 같이 섞어 놓음.
Red Pepper
Paste with Sauce Vinegar (초고추장)
[Cho Go Choo Jang]
- 별나라 / Beolnara -
1 C red pepper paste
2 T.S. vinegar
2 T.S. 7 up (or sugar)
2 t.s. honey
Mix the ingredients
and serve with cooked
octopus and green onion rolls.
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